لحوم ابقار ودجاج مبردة ومجمدة موردين موزعين مصنعين استيراد تصدير

الأكثر مبيعا

Delivery Policy

Delivery Policy During the completion of the shopping process and on the payment page, the available shipping options and the required speed will appear as follows:1- If your order is within the United Arab Emirates, the speed and form of shipping will depend on the product and the area.2- Our company will deliver your order the day after purchase or

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Freemium Subscription to taiba farms services

“taiba farms” ® Freemium What is “taiba farms” ® Freemium? A freemium is a type of The taiba Farms business model that offers core features of a product or service to the authorized The taiba Farms users or customers at no or reduced cost and charges a premium for additional or advanced features.Taiba farms that use a freemium model provide

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